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??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????????Sometimes Im Blue? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (57 Ratings)??443 Grabs Today. 12442 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Sunday, August 29, 2010


When I went to a cpr course with my mum I learnt a lot of things.
There has been all kinds of CPR attempts from olden times. They used different methods like flogging to try to get someone unconcious to wake up. Also other methodds which did not work. CPR as we know it today started in Amsterdam.

CPR stands for:Cardio (Heart)
Pullmery (Lungs)

I also learnt that when you are doing CPR on a adult you have to do a full head tilt and 2 breaths and 30 compressions. You also use 2 hands for compression
On a child it is half a head tilt and 2 breaths and 30 compressions and 1 hand for compression.
On a baby it is no head tilt 2 breaths 30 compressions and you use 2 fingers for compressions and you blow on mouth and nose only for a baby.

The following is all the questions we had to answer in our course.

Q.List the 4 primary objectives of first aid.
A. preserve life
protect the unconcious
prevent a casualty's condition from becomeing worse
promote the recovery of the casualty.

Q.What should first aid providers aim to prevent?
A.prevent damage to yourself or by standers
make sure the casualty's condition does not get woiser
avoid delays that could effect the casualty's recovery.

Q.In life threatening situations,any form of assistance is likely to be of greater benefit to a casualty than no assistance at all. True or False
A. True.

Q.Before rendering any assistance,a first aid provider must obtain _________ from the casualty.
A. The consent.

Q.The first step in responding to an emergency is recognising an emergency situation. True or False.
A. True.

Q.List the steps of the emergency action plan in the correct order.
A.Survey the scene
Determine whether the scene is safe
Phone for help.Assess for life threatening
Injuries and conduct a secondary survey.

Q.After surveying the scene and determining whether the scene is safe,you need to phone for help as early as possible. True or False.
A. True.

Q.In Australia,what telephone number should be used when calling for an ambulance?
A. Triple Zero (000).

Q.Assessing for life threatening injuries in an important component of the emergency action plan. List the 4 components of this assessment.
A.The casualty's (responce)
their (airway)
life threatening bleeding.

Q.What does the acronym COWS stand for?
A.C- can you hear me
o-open your eyes
w- whats your name
s- squeeze my hands.

Q.Name the 3 broad levels or degrees of conciousness:
A.concious- A state in which a person responds not normally.
Alterd level of concious- A state where a person responds in a confused and disorietated way.
unconcious- A state where a person does not respond at all.

Q.What technique is used to check if a casualty is breathing?
A.Look! for the rise and fall ofthe chest. listen for the movement of air by placing your ear near mouth and nose. Feel:for the movement of air from the nose and mouth and place hand on casualty's diaphram to feel for the rise and fall of their lower chest.

Q.List 3 actions a first aid provider can implement to reduce the risk of infection.
A.Wear personal protective equpement such as gloves,boots,googles.
Wash hands thorougly with soap and water before and after first aid.
Avoid eating,drinking and other forms of hand to mouth contact while administesing first aid.

Q.List the 3 steps involved in the process of the secondary survey:
A.Questioning the casualty and witnesses.
Continuing to check vital signs.
Conducting a head to toe examination

Q.The acronym DOLOR is used to remind first aid providers of some simple questions that could
be asked of a casualty.What are some of those questions?
A.D - Description: Ask the casualty to describe the problem
O - Onset and duration: Ask the casualty when problem started and how it progressed
L - location: Ask the casualty where on the body the problem is.
O - Other signs and symptoms: Do you notice any other signs or does the casualty.
R - Relief : has anything provided relief. rest,medication, positioning?

Q.What is the sequence to follow for a head to toe examination:
A.Head / neck
Chest / back
legs /arms

Q.List the 4 vital signs.
A.Concious state
Skin colour

Q. What are the 3 reasons for stoping CPR?
A. There are no time limits. Keep going until:(1) the person recovers.
(2) Paramedic or health care proffesional is ready to take over or tells you to stop.(3) It becomes inpossible for you to continue.

Q.What is the ratio of the chest compressions to breaths when doing CPR?
A. 30 chest compressions follolwed 2 breaths.

Q.How deep do you push on a casualty's chest when doing chest compressions?
A.The compression depth for a adult is approximately one third of the chest depth.You should feel resistance to the chest wall.

Q.List 3 things that can cause a casualty to choke?
A.Choking occurs when foreign material such as food,fluid or a small toy obstructs the airway and present life threatening emergencies.

Q.When providing first aid treatment to a choking casulty,you must never do the heimlich
manoeuvre unless instructed by an ambulance communications officer.True or False

Q.When providing first aid treatment to a casualty you believe is hyperventilating, you should get
the casualty to breath into a bag. True or False.

Q.List 3 signs and symtoms of a casualty suffuring of an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis).
A.Swelling of the throat and tongue
Itching and hives
Increased heart rate, collapsed and unconcious.

Q.List the 3 most common cardiac disorders/conditions.
A. Angina
heart attact
congestive heart failure

Q.The signs and symtoms of a casualty suffuring a heart attack or angina are offen the same.True or False

Q.List the 6 links of the chain of survival.
A.(1) Early recognition, (2) early access,(3) early cpr, (4) early defibrilation, (5) early advanced life support (eals),
(6) defintive care.

Q.List 3 cause's of shock.
A.Loss of circulating blood volume which can result from (1) severe bleeding (2) major fractures or trauma (3) severe burns or scalds.

Q.List 3 signs and symtoms of shock.
rapid breathing
confusiun and deterioration of the level of concious.

Q.When providing first aid treatment to a casualty you believe is suffuring shock, you should raise their legs slightly.True or False

Q.If blood has seeped through the initial pad and bandage, what should you do?
A.Apply a second pad and bandage over the top. If bleeding continues replace the second pad bandage. Do not remove first pad and bandage.

Q.If a casualty has amputated their finger,you should wash the amputated part in water first.True or False.

Q.When treating a casualty for a bleeding nose, you should tilt their head slightly__________?

Q.If a known diabetic collapse's and is unconcious, you should attempt a sweet drink or lollie.True or False

Q.Decribe the position a concious casualty who appears to have fainted should be in placed in.
A.If the casualty is concious lay them flat and eleuate their legs. Recovery is usually rapid.

Q.List 3 signs and symtoms of a stroke.
A.(1) Sudden and sever headache
(2) Pupils of unequal size
(3) Weatues or paralys is usually on one side of the body.

Q.Do not restrain or place any objects in mouth of a casualty having a seizure. True or False

Q.List 3 signs and symtoms of a casualty with a fractured leg.

Q.Decribe how you would immobilise a fractured lower limb.
A.Provide adequate padding in the natural hollows
found when puting the legs together.Position the bandage
before tying off. The first area to tie off is the feet.
When using a splint like wood make sure it does not extend any further than the legs.

Q.Decribe the standerd first aid treatment for a casualty with a sprain, strain or bruise.
A.R - Rest
I - Ice
C- Compression
E - Elevation
R - Referral.

Q.List 3 signs and symptoms of concussion.
A.Temporary confusion
Inability to recall the incident
Inability to answer questions or obay comands.

Q.An unconcious breathing casualty with a suspected spinal injury should be placed in the lateral (side)position.True or False

Q.If a casualty has a foreign body in their eye that is unable to be removed, only the injured eye should be coverd with a pad. True or False

Q.How many minutes should eyes be flushed with runing water if a chemical has splashed into them?
A.You should flosh their eyes for 20 minutes
using runing water. Moniter them and call triple zero (000)

Q.List 3 signs and symptoms of a casualty with fractured ribs.
difficulty breathing.

Q.A casualty with fractured ribs should be encouraged to lean towards the uninjured side. True or False

Q.Decribe the position a casualty with an abdominal injury be placed in.
A.If concious place casualty on their back and elevate their
upper torso by placing a pillow or folded blanket under their
head and sholder and place a rolled up blanket under their knees.
If unconcious place casualty in the lateral position.

Q.What is the telephone number for the poisons infomation centre?
A.1311-24 hotline where you can obtain advice on how to treat the casualty.

Q.List effects that different poisons can result in.
A.Irritation and burning is when dish washing powder is swallowed inhaled
slimulation or depression caused by drugs and the sniffing of solvenl
death by asphyxiation iswhen carbon monoxide fumey are inhaled.
Damage to the nerves system caused by exposure to cyanide.

Q.If a casualty has been bitten by a snake, prior to applying pressure immobilisation bandage,
you should wash the site o the bite to minimise the amount of venom entering the casualtys body.True or False.

Q.Apply an ice to compress to the site of a red back spider.TRUE OR FALSE.

Q.List 3 factors that can disturb the bodys heat balance.
A.Excessive physvcal exertion
hot climate conditions with high humidity.
inadeqate fluid intake

Q.Decribe the treatment of a casualty suffering from heat exhaustion.
A.Lay the casualty in a cool place if possible, loosen or remove any loose clothing. Cool the casualty by firmly or sponging with water. If concious give small amounts of cool water to drink. Rest, reasure and moniter the patient.

Q.How many minutes should a thermal, radiation or chemical burn be flushed with clean runing water for?
A.At least 30 minutes for thermal radiation or chemical burns.
at least 30 minutes for bitumen burns. Do not attempt to remove bitumen from eyes or skin.

Q.The first priority for a first aid provider at the scene of an electrocution is what?
A.Danger: never cut leads or electrical equipment or powerlines advice casualty to remain in car until power supply can be cut off. Advice them not to touch any metal of the vehicle.